Reflections on the May 22nd simulation with Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan. 

Reflections on the May 22nd simulation with Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan.  Full recording below. Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan are Parents who lost their daughters to the conflict. They expressed a desire for peace but had different reactions to the simulation presented to them.

Israel is Not a Democracy

Israel has several institutions like other democracies: Elections, a parliament, a government, and a Supreme Court. But they do not function as independent or equal branches of governments and lack transparency.  First, Israel does not have a constitution and is unable to draft one given its desire to give Jews priority. A “Jewish State” contradicts…

Reflections on the February 20th simulation with Sammy Smooha.

Full recording below. Professor Smooha personally supports the concepts of an Israeli Palestinian Confederation in the format presented but insisted that it can only come about after the creation of Two States. The IPC parliament passed the following:  An Israeli Palestinian Confederation constitution, granting veto power to the Israeli and Palestinian governments over issues relating…