A link to the recording of the full discussion is below.
This was Mr. Chomsky’s second time as a guest speaker before the Israeli Palestinian Confederation. During his initial participation Mr. Chomsky criticized that portion of the IPC constitution which referred to the Israeli and Palestinian governments as “legitimate”.
This time Mr. Chomsky opined on the removal of the term “legitimacy” for the Israeli and Palestinian governments and accepted the abbreviated portion of the IPC constitution.
It should be noted that the portion shown at the Zoom meetings is a short version and an explanation of the constitution and not the real constitution. The actual constitution never discussed the issue of legitimacy for the Israeli or Palestinian governments.
The full version is available in Arabic, Hebrew and English on this website: www.ipconfederation.org
The balance of the meeting dealt with several other issues:
· Is Israel a Solution or is it The Problem?
· Why is Israel involved in so many wars?
· Do the U.S and Israel share the same values?
· Does a “right of return “for Jews makes sense?
· Are supporters of Israel’s policy truly support Israel?
· What is the vision of peace?
When followed with questions and answers and audience debate about several issues including visions for peace