Link for the Zoom meeting is at the bottom of the summary.
Federal Government for Israeli Palestinian
The simulation proposes creating a federal government for the people of Israel and Palestine that would exist independently from the current Israeli and Palestinian governments. This federal government would have 300 elected parliament members, a president and vice president (one Palestinian and one Israeli rotating every two years), and a judicial branch with a Supreme Court. It would cover the areas of Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, representing around 14 million people. The goal is to provide a democratic system to decide a solution for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, whether that is a two-state solution, one state, or another option chosen by the elected representatives. The moderator argues this federal structure is necessary since dismantling the existing Israeli and Palestinian governments is not practical, and they have failed to achieve peace over the past 74 years.
Exploring Confederation Government for Israelis and Palestinians
The simulation aims to show how the confederation could pass legislation acceptable to both sides through a 55% majority requirement from Israeli and Palestinian representatives. The moderator explains the confederation’s structure, including a president, vice president, and 300-member parliament. He emphasizes creating awareness of this potential path to resolving the conflict. A pre-simulation survey indicates 91% of participants support a confederation government.