Below you will find a link to watch the full simulation.
Mohamed Galal Mostafa was an Egyptian diplomat and a former researcher at Brandeis University. His focus is the religious dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, counterterrorism and forensic reconstruction in areas of conflict.
In each simulation participants assume the role of the Israeli Prime Minister, Hamas leader and Palestinian authority president. The rest of the participants are asked to act as either Palestinian or Israeli IPC parliament members. The simulation follows the IPC formula in passing a constitution and legislation.
The parliament unanimously accepted the IPC constitution.
We discussed whether the IPC should also give a veto power to Hamas in addition to the Israeli and Palestinian governments. The parliament first voted not to give it a veto power. However, it changed its vote after a discussion in which it was determined that including Hamas is far better than ignoring it.
The IPC and the separate Israeli and Palestinian governments agreed on a declaration accepting the connections of all religions to the land. They also agreed on legislation to establish a joint economic zone between Israel and Gaza.
Mr. Galal was supportive of the IPC.
He discussed failed diplomatic attempts to solve the conflict due to the governments pre-existing political agendas and their inability to reach concrete results. He foresaw a possibility that Islam and Judaism could work together based on the IPC formula.
Our next simulation will take place on August 8th ,2021 with Peter Beinart.