Josef Avesar is an Israeli-born attorney who resides in Southern California. He has written numerous articles and commentaries, including: “The Israeli-Palestinian Confederation”; “Why Would the Israeli and Palestinian Government Accept a Confederation?”; “An Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Creates a Fair and Balanced Mechanism to Resolve the Issues”; “Israeli and Palestinian Governments Too Busy to Make Peace”; “Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Could Have Helped Prisoner Exchange”; “An Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Could Have Saved the Violence in Gaza”; “It’s Time to Take the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by the Horns”; and “Israeli-Palestinian Confederation 101. He is the author of the book “ Peace, A Case for an Israeli Palestinian Confederation.”

Reflections on the simulation of October 16th with Professor Ian S. Lustick

Full recording below: 88 percent of the participants supported a common government for the people of Israel and Palestine to make peace. The IPC parliament passed a constitution, passed legislation to give veto to the Israeli and Palestinian governments relating to legislation effecting their sovereignty, passed legislation to teach tolerance and understanding, passed legislation for…

Reflections on the simulation of August 21, 2022 with Franke Wilmer.

Full recording below. Ninety One percent of the participants supported a common government for the people of Israel and Palestine to make peace. The IPC parliament passed a constitution, passed legislation to give veto to the Israeli and Palestinian governments relating to legislation effecting their sovereignty, passed legislation to teach tolerance and understanding including a…

Reflections on the May 22nd simulation with Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan. 

Reflections on the May 22nd simulation with Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan.  Full recording below. Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan are Parents who lost their daughters to the conflict. They expressed a desire for peace but had different reactions to the simulation presented to them.