Israeli Palestinian Confederation Mission Statement
We believe Israelis and Palestinians must live together and in peace in a democratic equal and open society with mutual respect, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion. We believe that the historic connection of both people to the land of Israel and Palestine is an integral part of their identity and must be respected.
Our goal is to create a mutual democratic government for the people of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. We believe that this government should be independent and separate from the Israeli and Palestinian governments. We do not wish to dismantle the Israeli or Palestinian governments but rather work in conjunction with those governments to facilitate peace and prosperity. We believe that the legitimate needs of Israelis and Palestinians would be advanced and protected by the constitution published on
Our position on the Two States Solution
The Two States Solution is not viable. It has been attempted numerous times resulting in substantial violence and less peace between Israelis and Palestinians, while at the same time failing to reach its intended goal.
Our position on the One State Solution
The One State Solution is not viable in light of the strong nationalistic sentiments by both the Israeli and Palestinian people and their governments.
Join our next Israeli Palestinian Zoom event
We are conducting, collaborative, interactive and thought-provoking Zoom events to explore peace between Israelis Palestinians.
Simulation With Mati Shemoelof an Arab-Jewish Poet, Author, and Journalist Living in Berlin
Simulation With Raz Chen-Morris, an Associate Professor in the History Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Simulation With Smadar Ben-Natan a Legal Scholar of Human Rights, Criminal Justice, and Armed Conflict, an Expert on Israel/Palestine
Please sign up and we will send you an invitation with a link and a password.
Summary of the IPC March 11th simulation
We gradually transitioned from easy to difficult as we debated 4 legislation. • Soccer tournament that combines Israeli and Palestinian teams – Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto. • Task force to improve construction standards in common areas of Israel and Palestine to prevent earthquake damage- Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto. • Requiring Israeli and Palestinian governments to recognize civil marriage and divorce performed by the Confederation for…
February 24th Simulation
Summary of the February 24th simulation The IPC conducts regular and frequent zoom simulations to demonstrate how the Confederation would work. Most participants are asked to play Israeli and Palestinian parliament members in the Confederation. Others are asked to play Israeli…
February 8th Simulation
Summary of the February 8th, simulation This Zoom simulation was the most attended ever. We are getting participants from the entire globe including Israelis and Palestinians. We dealt with new legislation: common passport, common police force, improving relations with…
January 11, 2021 Simulation
The IPC Zoom simulation of January 11, 2021, was very well attended and lively. Most of the participants were asked to play the role of IPC Parliament members. They voted on a constitution as well as legislation. Other participants were…
December 29th 2020 Simulation
Summary of the December 29th 2020, simulation On December 29th we held another Israeli Palestinian peace simulation on Zoom. We asked people to play parliament members, Israeli Prime Minister, Palestinian president and Hamas leaders. We gave them veto power over legislation which…