The IPC invites speakers to present their views on our formula for peace. We strive to include people who represent diverse points of views to Stress Test the formula. Richard Falk an international lawyer and U.N investigator canceled his scheduled appearance for December 27th. He wrote an explanation and authorized its publication:
Dear Josef Avesar:
After pondering the pros and cons of my participation in the Simulation scheduled for December 27 I have reached the conclusion that I must withdraw. I apologize for this late notice. My only excuse is that I have been distracted in recent weeks by a variety of pressures.
My principal reason for withdrawing is after watching several simulations it is my view that the net effect of the experience is to encourage a false consciousness based on two deeply misleading presumptions: first, that the two sides will find peace if each acts reasonably when it is obvious that the majority view in Israel, particularly among the elite, is that the Zionist Project seeks Jewish supremacy over as much of ‘the promised land’ as possible; until that view is shaken by mounting effective coercive resistance within and solidarity pressures without directed at transforming the status quo there is no hope for a sustainable and just resolution of the conflict; secondly, the misleading and manipulative view that the Palestinians are as responsible as Israel for the prolonged impasse, and have an equal responsibility and opportunity to overcome it by acting reasonably, including even a silent acceptance of the legitimacy of the present apartheid architecture by which Israel maintains the racist dimension of its policies and practices of governance, while making Palestinians subjugated strangers in their own homeland.
I realize that you have reassured me in the past that my views, however critical of your simulation process, can be voiced by me during the event. This may be true, but it does not affect my implicit public endorsement of this simulation and confederation approach if I take part. For reasons set forth, I feel is so seriously flawed that I have come to my decision to withdraw, and thereby avoid creating any impression that I approve of this process.
I do regret whatever inconvenience I have caused you.
Richard Falk