Summary of the May 16th simulation

Jeff Halper was the guest. He advocated for a One State solution. The meeting was stormy. He was challenged by many participants on the practicality of his vision and subsequently amended his views in favor of a confederation. Each meeting Participants act as IPC Parliament members, Israeli Prime Minister, Hamas Leader and PA president who…

Summary of the May 3rd simulation

We passed legislation to permit the Israeli Palestinian Confederation to negotiate peace between Iran and Israel. We held negotiations on two issues: First -Iran and the Israeli Palestinian Confederation. The Iranian leader accepted us as an independent government representing the entire population of Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. He recognized the IPC passport…

Summary of the April 5th simulation

 We successfully amended previous legislation in which the Israeli or Palestinian governments issued a veto. Additionally, we ratified the IPC Constitution. These are the amended legislation which passed: •       Distribute Corona Virus vaccine in Israel the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. •       Demolish the separation wall provided adequate security agreement is reached between the Israeli,…

Summary of the IPC March 11th simulation

We gradually transitioned from easy to difficult as we debated 4 legislation.   •       Soccer tournament that combines Israeli and Palestinian teams – Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto.  •       Task force to improve construction standards in common areas of Israel and Palestine to prevent earthquake damage- Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto.  •       Requiring…