Summary of the May 3rd simulation

We passed legislation to permit the Israeli Palestinian Confederation to negotiate peace between Iran and Israel. We held negotiations on two issues: First -Iran and the Israeli Palestinian Confederation. The Iranian leader accepted us as an independent government representing the entire population of Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. He recognized the IPC passport…


Summary of the April 5th simulation

 We successfully amended previous legislation in which the Israeli or Palestinian governments issued a veto. Additionally, we ratified the IPC Constitution. These are the amended legislation which passed: •       Distribute Corona Virus vaccine in Israel the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. •       Demolish the separation wall provided adequate security agreement is reached between the Israeli,…


Summary of the IPC March 11th simulation

We gradually transitioned from easy to difficult as we debated 4 legislation.   •       Soccer tournament that combines Israeli and Palestinian teams – Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto.  •       Task force to improve construction standards in common areas of Israel and Palestine to prevent earthquake damage- Passed by the IPC parliament without a veto.  •       Requiring…


February 24th Simulation

Summary of the February 24th simulation   The IPC conducts regular and frequent zoom simulations to demonstrate how the Confederation would work. Most participants are asked to play Israeli and Palestinian parliament members in the Confederation. Others are asked to play Israeli prime minister, Hamas leader, Palestinian President, US President, Russia’s President, China’s President or other world…


February 8th Simulation

Summary of the February 8th, simulation    This Zoom simulation was the most attended ever. We are getting participants from the entire globe including Israelis and Palestinians. We dealt with new legislation: common passport, common police force, improving relations with Iran, Hezballah and other neighboring countries and redrawing the separation wall. They all passed by…


December 29th 2020 Simulation

Summary of the December 29th 2020, simulation  On December 29th we held another Israeli Palestinian peace simulation on Zoom. We asked people to play parliament members, Israeli Prime Minister, Palestinian president and Hamas leaders. We gave them veto power over legislation which the Parliament members passed.  The parliament passed legislation to have the IPC distribute and administer…
