Recording of the April 30th simulation with Sam Bahour and Bernard Avishai

Eighty-four percent of the participants accepted a common government for Israel and Palestine to make peace. The IPC Parliament passed legislation to give the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas a veto power over legislation affecting their domain and control. The Parliament passed legislation requiring both the Israeli and Palestinian sides to teach tolerance…


Recording of the April 2nd simulation.

Eighty-nine percent of the participants supported a common government for Israel and Palestine. The IPC Parliament passed a constitution, agreed to give veto power to the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authorities, and Hamas. The Parliament passed legislation requiring the Israeli and Palestinian governments to teach tolerance and understanding in public schools, to create a joint…


Recording of the February 19, 2023, simulation with Dr. Doron Navot

Ninety-four percent of the participants supported a common government for Israelis and Palestinians. We passed the following: a constitution, agreed to give veto power to the governments of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas; agreed on legislation to teach tolerance and understanding in both education systems; created a Joint Economic Zone between Israel and Gaza;…
