Recording of the November 10, 2024, simulation with Dr. Avner Dinur

All the participants supported a federal government in Israel and Palestine to promote peace. The parliament ratified a constitution and agreed to grant veto power to both the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Additionally, the parliament passed legislation to provide aid to Gaza and Southern Israel and to establish a joint economic zone between Israel and…


Recording of the October 13,2024 simulation with Andrey X

Ninety-five percent of the participants in the simulation supported the idea of a joint Palestinian and Israeli federal government. The simulated Parliament ratified the constitution, passed legislation granting veto power to the Israeli and Palestinian governments on issues that violate their sovereignty, agreed on legislation to promote tolerance and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians, approved…


Recording of the IPC simulation on September 29, 2024, with Khalil Sayegh

Ninety-four percent of the participants who voted agreed that a common Palestinian-Israeli federal government would promote peace. The Parliament passed a constitution, agreed to grant veto power to the Israeli and Palestinian governments on issues that violated their sovereignty, agreed on an aid package for Gaza and Southern Israel, agreed to form a delegation to…


Recording of the September 15, 2024, simulation with Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon

Ninety nine percent  of the participants agreed that a common Israeli-Palestinian government would bring about peace. The parliament ratified a constitution and agreed to give veto power to both the Palestinian and Israeli governments on legislation that violates their sovereignty. Additionally, it passed a declaration of peace, agreed on a common police force, and referred…


Recording of the August 18, 2024, simulation with Elik Elhanan

Ninety-seven percent of the participants agreed that a federal government should be established in Israel and Palestine to facilitate peace. The parliament ratified a constitution and passed legislation to grant veto power to the Israeli and Palestinian governments on laws that infringe upon their sovereignty. Additionally, the parliament passed legislation requiring both educational systems to…


Recording of the July 21, 2024, simulation with Hanan Schlesinger and Noor Awad

Hundred percent of the participants agreed that a common federal government for Israel and Palestine could make peace. Seventeen percent agreed that Anti Zionism equals Antisemitism. The IPC parliament ratified a common constitution, agreed to give a veto power to the Israeli and Palestinian governments on legislation which effects their sovereignty. The Parliament also passed…
