Richard Falk’s Cancelation of his appearance at the IPC simulation of December 27, 2021

The IPC invites speakers to present their views on our formula for peace. We strive to include people who represent diverse points of views to Stress Test the formula. Richard Falk an international lawyer and U.N investigator canceled his scheduled appearance for December 27th. He wrote an explanation and authorized its publication: Dear Josef Avesar:…


Reflections on the IPC simulation of November 30, 2021 with Mark Juergensmeyer

Full recording of the simulation is below. Professor Juergensmeyer teaches Global Studies, Sociology and Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He said that to a large extend the Israeli Palestinian conflict is a “war in our minds”. In each simulation participants assume the role of Israeli Prime Minister, Hamas leader and Palestinian…


Reflections on the IPC discussion with Noam Chomsky of November 14th, 2021

A link to the recording of the full discussion is below. This was Mr. Chomsky’s second time as a guest speaker before the Israeli Palestinian Confederation. During his initial participation Mr. Chomsky criticized that portion of the IPC constitution which referred to the Israeli and Palestinian governments as “legitimate”. This time Mr.  Chomsky opined on…


Reflections on the IPC simulation of October 17 with Daoud Kuttab

Below is a link to the IPC simulation: Daoud Kuttab is an award-winning Palestinian journalist and television producer. He was the guest speaker at an IPC simulation proposing a common government for the Palestinian and Israelis. In each simulation participants assume the role of Israeli Prime Minister, Hamas leader and Palestinian Authority President. The rest…


Summary of the IPC simulation of September 19th with Alan Dershowitz

Below is a recording of the September 192021, simulation with Professor Alan Dershowitz Professor Alan M. Dershowitz teaches law at Harvard university. He specializes in civil liberties, individual rights and criminal law. He is also known as “Israel’s single most visible attorney in the court of public opinion. He published many books and articles including…
