Israeli Palestinian Confederation Mission Statement

We believe Israelis and Palestinians must live together and in peace in a democratic equal and open society with mutual respect, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion. We believe that the historic connection of both people to the land of Israel and Palestine is an integral part of their identity and must be respected.

Our goal is to create a mutual democratic government for the people of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. We believe that this government should be independent and separate from the Israeli and Palestinian governments. We do not wish to dismantle the Israeli or Palestinian governments but rather work in conjunction with those governments to facilitate peace and prosperity. We believe that the legitimate needs of Israelis and Palestinians would be advanced and protected by the constitution published on

Our position on the Two States Solution

The Two States Solution is not viable. It has been attempted numerous times resulting in substantial violence and less peace between Israelis and Palestinians, while at the same time failing to reach its intended goal.

Our position on the One State Solution

The One State Solution is not viable in light of the strong nationalistic sentiments by both the Israeli and Palestinian people and their governments.

Join our next Israeli Palestinian Zoom event

We are conducting, collaborative, interactive and thought-provoking Zoom events to explore peace between Israelis Palestinians.

Please sign up and we will send you an invitation with a link and a password.

Reflections /recording of the January 8, 2023, simulation

Reflections /recording of the January 8, 2023, simulation

Josef AvesarJan 9, 20231 min read

Mr. Joseph Agassi was unfortunately unable to attend. Prior to the simulation 72% percent of the audience supported a common government. At the conclusion of the simulation the support went up to 95%. The IPC passed legislation requiring the Israeli and Palestinian educational system to teach tolerance, to convert the area between Jerusalem and Ramallah, known as Qalandia, into a Joint Economic Zone, and to authorize the President of the…

Recording of the IPC End of The Year Review meeting of December 11, 2022

Recording of the IPC End of The Year Review meeting of December 11, 2022

Josef AvesarDec 12, 20221 min read

We discussed the obstacles to peace and the nonchalant acceptability of the conflict as a perpetual reality.

Reflections on the simulation of November 27th with Mordechai Kedar.

Reflections on the simulation of November 27th with Mordechai Kedar.

Josef AvesarNov 28, 20221 min read

Recording below: Eighty Nine percent of the participants in the simulation supported a common government for the people of Israel and Palestine to make peace. The IPC parliament unanimously passed a common Constitution and legislation to give a veto power…

Reflections on the simulations with Former U.S. State Department Middle East expert Aaron David Miller.

Reflections on the simulations with Former U.S. State Department Middle East expert Aaron David Miller.

Josef AvesarNov 13, 20221 min read

Recording link below: Mr. Miller spoke about the role of the U.S as a world power in effecting policies in Israel Palestine and the just concluded Israeli elections

Reflections on the meeting of October 30, 2022 with May Pundak.

Reflections on the meeting of October 30, 2022 with May Pundak.

Josef AvesarOct 31, 20221 min read

Full recording below. May Pundak is a representative of “Land for All “advocating a Two State Solution with a Confederation. Her presentation was followed by audience questions.